The Woomera Protected Area (WPA) has been opened to mining following discussions between the South Australian and Federal Governments.


The decision will divide the WPA into three colour coded zones which will be controlled in a ‘time-shared’ division of use. The Red zone, which is to be controlled exclusively by defence, will continue to be used as a weapons testing area and is restricted to mining operations.


Defence will have exclusive control of the Amber zone for 8 to 10 weeks of the year and will give control to the mining industry for the remaining time, while miners will have control of the Green for 44 weeks of the year.


The mining operations in the area are expected to generate thousands of direct and indirect jobs throughout the state.   


The decision, which potentially unlocks $1 trillion in mineral and resource wealth, will significantly contribute to South Australia’s mining sector, which is already the state’s largest industry.


The WPA, in the state’s north, is believed to contain 62% of Australia’s know copper deposits and 78% of the country’s uranium.