A legal complaint has been lodged with the Fair Work Commission over the treatment of a mine worker in WA, who says he was fired after complaining about an injury.

Dean Marcon, a 37-year-old father, said the incident started when he was working with a grout crew at Mandalay Resources’ Costerfield gold mine.

Mr Marcon got cement and water in his gumboot, which caused painful irritation and burns to the skin.

He tried to take time off for the injury, but instead was put on lighter duties - Marcon says his supervisor wanted to protect the mine’s safety record.

Mr Marcon complained, and was sacked after a subsequent negative performance review.

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers have reportedly lodged a complaint against Mandalay Resources, which it believes had breached a number of workplace rights.

“This mining company has shown a fundamental disregard to workers' rights, including the right to take sick leave and make a complaint,” said Lawyer Kamal Farouque.

“When Dean tried to call in sick after the cement injury, he was told by a supervisor to turn up at work because if he stayed at home it would affect the company's workplace injury record.

“When the company finally arranged for Dean to receive medical treatment three days later, the doctor said he should have sought treatment immediately after the injury occurred, as cement can continue to burn skin even after it has been washed off,” Farouque said.

“Dean is now unemployed and living in a remote town with limited prospects for finding a job.”

Mr Marcon says he has been left distressed and overwhelmed.

“I just wanted to go to work and do my job. I’m worried about my family’s financial position and how I’m going to get another job,” he said.