The South Australian Government has launched an independent analysis of industry and community views on infrastructure required to support the growing mining and energy sector in the state.


State Minister Tom Koutsantonis says the report, prepared by Rural Solutions SA, provides a detailed analysis of response to the recommendations to government arising from the 2011 Infrastructure Demand Study.


“The State Government is now considering the findings of this report in tandem with the recommendations from the Resources & Energy Sector Infrastructure Council,” Mr Koutsantonis said.


“Taking this feedback into account will help the Government make the most appropriate decisions for the long-term benefit of South Australia.”


Key feedback arising from the community consultation on those recommendations included:


  • suggestions to maximise the use of existing infrastructure and support for a long term planning approach which considers both industry and community needs
  • the need for a thorough planning process to develop road and rail links and deepwater ports
  • recognition of the need for port developments and views on their location
  • the critical importance of power-related infrastructure to meet current and future needs in regional areas
  • the need for infrastructure to secure water supplies and water sustainability in regional areas and views on the site for proposed desalination plants, and
  • support for government taking the lead role in investment attraction and the importance of productive public/private sector partnerships in harnessing private capital.


About 140 community and industry leaders attended public meetings during the consultation period and a further 35 written submissions were received online. Copies of the report and discussion paper are now available online at: