The South Australian Government has launched a new campaign aimed at increasing the state’s motorists’ awareness about sharing the road with heavy vehicles.

State Road Safety Minister, Michael O’Brien, said that the Share the Road campaign as aimed at educating motorists about safely overtaking heavy vehicles and maintaining safe distances.

“We are launching this campaign as we head into the school holidays when more cars and cyclists are on the road,” Mr O’Brien said.

“What is concerning is the mistakes being made by motorists when driving near heavy vehicles.

“These include following too closely, unsafe speeds, unsafe overtaking, driving between large trucks and changing lanes abruptly in front of trucks.”

The State Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) has worked with the heavy vehicle industry to produce the campaign that aims to curb the rate of accidents.

The campaign has been launched after new figures show that heavy vehicle operators are responsible for just one in four fatal crashes involving a heavy vehicle, car, pedestrian or cyclist.

“These figures clearly indicate the need for other road users to update their road rules knowledge,” Mr O’Brien said.

“For the five years from 2008 to 2012, there were 77 fatal crashes involving heavy vehicles of which 86 per cent involved a light vehicle, pedestrian or cyclist,” Mr Shearer said.

“The heavy vehicle driver was deemed responsible in just 26 per cent of these crashes. 

More information can be found here