Pertinent information could help drivers stay safe at work, with advice for avoiding tyre fires.

A Queensland Government paper has been released to remind all those who work with rubber-rimmed vehicles of the dangers of vulcanised materials. They say workers should take care near all sources of high heat or electricity, especially power lines as they can cause the tyres on trucks, cranes and other heavy vehicles to catch fire and explode. In recent years five workers have been killed and several injured as excessive heat developing in tyres lead to the unpredictable phenomenon known as pyrolysis.

Pyrolysis occurs when excess heat builds in or is applied to a tyre; the heat causes a decomposition of the rubber, creating a fuel source of flammable gas, vapour and oil. Some of the most common causes include; welding on rims, oxyacetylene heat on wheel nuts and brakes/running gear overheating.

Many earth-moving outfits have come up with safety measures to avoid a potentially deadly fire, the Queensland Government recommends all related industries and operators work on safety measures to reduce the chance too.