The federal Government has announced that the Productivity Commission will conduct an inquiry into the National Access Regime.


The inquiry has been launched in the aftermath of the recent High Court decision that found that a key criterion for declaration is a test of whether anyone could profitably construct another facility.


"The National Access Regime, which is set out under Part IIIA of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, promotes efficient investment in infrastructure and ensures its efficient operation and use, to encourage effective competition in dependent markets," said Mr Bradbury.


"The Productivity Commission inquiry into the Regime provides an excellent opportunity to review how the Regime balances these objectives today and other matters relating to the Regime."


The inquiry will also look at whether the Regime reaches an appropriate balance between access and private property rights as originally envisaged by the Hilmer Review, which led to the Regime's creation.


The inquiry forms part of the Council of Australian Governments’ (COAG) Seamless National Economy Partnership.